Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Police scanner

Hey all my blog readers of Kyle's Free Space whats up???. So today I am going talk about my police scanner. Most people who are involved with amateur radio will understand what I am talking about. I have heard many interesting things on the scanner. I have heard 3 car pursuits I have heard very bad calls I am not going to write but they did involve guns and other things. I am saving my money for a new scanner made my uniden because my radio is a little low powered and runs 200hz and the one I want runs 800hz, It has a lot more receiving power the one I currently own is mobile the one I want is a wall power outlet one.

I remember one of the car chases was a guy on a ATV and he crashed into the guard rail and took off running and they had to chase him into the woods and taze  him with the x26 tazer. I have really heard a lot you would be surprised about the things that happen around you as I write this I am listing to the scanner now. This will be the last paragraph for today. Because I also have other things that I needed to do but yes having a scanner is also good for weather. My scanner does
Police department
Fire Department
It may do more just not really sure these are the only things I have ever heard mostly I listen to police but also sometimes listen to the airport but not often. Well this will be it for today so have a good one.  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

30 years of special national geogrphic

Hey all my blog readers of Kyle's Free Space what's up??? so yesterday I watched a documentary about national geographic it was a special one it was a combination of 30 years of episodes. It was a good show because they had the first episode ever made I'm pretty sure it was 1983. There was one about the first Americans to climb mount Everest. The first Americans on Everest they planted a United States flag and the National Geographic flag. I enjoyed the Everest part because I have watched many movies about that mountain and studied about it. There was one about photographers I enjoyed that one because I am one.

I do enjoy watching these my favorite one was the one were they went and found the titanic there was footage on that on many documentary's. I really enjoy underwater exploration like watching gopro scuba diving. They had this one about monkeys and I love monkeys I want a baby one in some states you can but some you cant. I was watching one were these people went a filmed videos about volcanos the entire video was shot in 16mm film. It took over a week to develop the video and that was when the first national geographic video was made.

These episodes are cool I really liked this one were they put a scuba diver In a cage and put him in the ocean with sharks that was really cool. The guy was taking pictures of the sharks and got some really nice photos. The Sharks look a little blood thirsty though. It was cool I wish I could go in one to see what it really looks like. Well this is going to be It for today I also recommend that video to people I give it a 10 star rating.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Metal Detecting with dad

Hey all my readers of Kyle's Free Space what's up???. So today I am writing about metal detecting I'm not going to explain It because its a pretty self explainable. We went detecting in our yard about 2 weeks ago found some coins and I found a old piece to a tractor plow. We have 2 back yards the other one is behind our fence we have not detected there but we will today. I am currently saving my money for a new detector is about 80 dollars Its called the bounty hunter tk4. My dad and I have the same detector he wants to get a garret ace 250 that's like $152.97. We are hoping to find some stuff the most interesting thing I found was the plow piece.

I am pretty excited were going in about a hour or so. Somewere around there I am hoping we find something for all I know there could be nothing. Im pretty sure there will be stuff because the house was built in the 1960's I really want to go to a house that was built in the 1800's but that might not happen. Well this is going to be it because I got to eat some lunch then go to some detecting I will post some pictures of the detectors I want and the one my dad wants. These are the pictures I will tell you what ones they are

 this is the one I want the bounty hunter tk4

this is the one my dad wants the garret ace 250

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I got my ghillie suit!

Hey all my blog readers of Kyle's Free Space what's up???. So about two days ago I got my ghillie suit in call of duty ghosts. I finally got 850 sniper kills It was really hard but my brother helped me get it. Now I am working on getting to prestige 2 I am about level 27 prestige 1 my brother is prestige 4 I am pretty sure or prestige 3. Last night we were playing gun game and infected we like this certain map on ghosts is called stonehaven we found a good hiding spot for infected.

I would show a picture of were we hide but it is so super secret and I would tell but I don't want to. So yes the ghillie suit everyone knows what it looks like I have had photos before. The cool part is the camo on it changes accordingly to the map. Which is pretty cool well this Is going to be it for today I will post one more photo for the ghillie suit and stone haven what it looks like.