Wednesday, September 12, 2012

my first Wizard 101 gift card$10 card

Hello all my blog readers all followers whats up.  Today I am going to write what I did yesterday I was riding my bike I did some tricks and jumped off my ramp it was awesome. I was in the air and I thought every thing was OK and going to as I thought and boom I fell of the bike in mid air and I was at least 1.5 feet in the air I hit my knee on the metal and I could not get the bike of me but I pushed it off me. My mom gave me a new job today' I have to wick a lot of candle's there is about 150 of them
it pays $10 it should take me 1 hour but the best the part is I get to watch TV well I do it so that will be cool. With the $10 I am going to buy a mount in wizard 101 but I have to buy the gift card first it will be awesome. Bye the way does any one know how to but a permanent mount??????  does any one what mount I should buy I was thinking a dragon or a rhino. Right when I am done with school I am going to ask my mom if she can bring me to Game Stop in Keene NH I can only buy a 10 dollar card because that is all the money I have I will post a pic of the wizard 101 card on facebook and on my blog but I will repost it later. well this is it till later So bye all my blog readers.

Maddie if you are reading this please respond to what mount i should buy with a 10 dollar gift card of wizard 101


  1. Since a $10 gift card only has 5000 crowns on it and you want a mount, i would go with a horse or a broomstick. I WILL tell you what I usually do. There is a section of the crown shop that has packs, and these packs come with housing stuff, pets, permanent mounts, clothing- you name it. You have a good chance at getting a better mount than you would pay full price for. Keep in mind it isn't guaranteed but you would get a lot more for your money.

  2. P.S.- I can show you how to get a mount too. Remind me at karate.

  3. By the way you can get the cards at the rite aid in Jaffery :)
