Monday, February 25, 2013

New Computer!!!!!

 here it is XD I have more things but I don't have time to keep posting pictures
Hi all my blog readers of Kyle's free space what's up??? I got a new computer 3 days ago it is the newest computer system it Is called windows 8. It is awesome I hate windows 7. I even got the app store on this computer and games and serious radio I have over 25 channels like rock 101 hip hop and hit the beat and tones of others. I even have wlxo  I don't listen to it. I have really cool games and I am getting a Skype account so if my friends have Skype I can video chat them. I am going to put my brother and my mom just in case she goes up stairs with her lap top or goes on vacation by her self. I could Skype her. My brother is in the United States Army My mom Skype's him so I am getting his info so I can Skype him on my laptop. I love my new computer I am going to post a picture of what it looks like when I am on my home screen well this is it for today so bye hope you enjoy this post

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