Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Call of duty modern warfare 4

Hi all my blog readers of Kyle's free space what's up? So you know how I like war games? well last Sunday my friend from boy scouts he is a few more ranks then me. He lives like 5 minuets down the street from me he brought over call of duty modern warfare 4 this game is so epic it so fun and realistic the weapons and the characters are so realistic and the best part this is like military clothes today not like the world war 2 uniforms this is digital camouflage so I am saving my money to buy the game it is $20.00 I have $10.00 so I am $10.00 off  I will just work for it or my mom can give me a loan if she wants to. So when me and my friend Marc played it we were on multiplayer so It was me vs. him so I was like in buildings and he was on roof tops we were hiding from each other throwing bombs and calling air strikes yea it was just awesome the air strikes were hard to get away from because they were blowing up the buildings I was in and the helicopters were hard to get away from to I just shot it and hid In buildings and hope my friend would not find me because if he did i would be dead you could have a list of what you want to be for example scout witch it sniper or heavy assault which that is like machine gun and m16. My mom has to go get ink for her printer today so if I can I will go to game stop to buy it I might have to buy the used one instead because the new one is not in store I don't think it is not a new game it's condition is new so I might have to buy the used one that is only $10.00 dollars so if i can get like $20.00 I can get $10.00 more dollars worth of COD oh bye the way COD stands for CALL OF DUTY. Well this is it for today bye :)

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