Monday, November 25, 2013


Hey all my blog readers of Kyle's Free Space what's up??? I know I have not posted in a while I have been super busy because I went camping this past week and climbed to the top of Mount Monadnock with the boy scouts so. I will be getting back to my normal blog schedule after this week because I only have school Monday Tuesday and Wednesday because Thursday is Thanksgiving. So today's post is about what I am thankful for Here are some things.

1.I am Thankful that I have  a nice healthy living family and healthy living pets.

2.I am Thankful that my brother who is in the army is coming home on DEC 25 Christmas day his flight lands at 1:00 am.

3. I am Thankful that my family and I live in a nice house with a good wood stove that keeps our house warm.

4. I am Thankful that my Mom and Dad have good jobs so they can put food on the table every night.

5. I am Thankful for The new ranks and merit badges I will be earning in future years of scouting.

6. I am Thankful that my brother is going to be in a safe state for the army oh PS he I not signing up again for the army next year he is out for good.

 7. I am Thankful that I am a good street hockey player and a good sports player.

 8. I am Thankful that I have money to buy my family Christmas gifts this year

 9. I am really Thankful that I have a loving family who do everything for me and always will.

10. I am thankful that I have blog readers of my blog so Thank you!! :D

Now I want you the blog readers to comment on this post and write what you are thankful for oh and I never get comments on my blog anymore for a odd reason I think my blog readers are forgetting to do that. There are also many more reasons I am thankful for like that I am going over a friend of mine for Thanksgiving with my family. I will be able to have Christmas with my brother for the first time in almost 2 years last year we had to Skype him on Christmas because he was not home. It was hard to hear him because there was so many people on Skype and the connection was that all that good. But we got through it together my family and I have been there for each other for many many things most from when my brother was going places in the army and telling us when he is coming home. This will be the 2nd time he is home this year that has not happened since he was in AIT. I am thankful for all of that stuff that I wrote. The stuff I said I am Thankful for are really important to me like my dogs I love them so much I am really thankful that I have them. I am thankful I still have my fish I have had his for a year soon it will be the 2nd year with Charlie. Oh and this is going to be out first Thanksgiving and Christmas with Sebastian ODIE  has had many Holidays with us he loves Thanksgiving because we give him the left overs only a little bit though. Sebastian will love thanksgiving also because of the food. Oh and Sebastian is thankful for ODIE because he uses him as a pillow and ODIE is Thankful for Sebastian because he keeps his neck warm when he lays on him.
Well this is it for today enjoy :D
Shake those feathers turkey
 Hey you got any cookies or extra milk?


  1. sorry for not commenting in awhile! i have been busy myself...

    I am thankful for:

    The love of my amazing family and friends

    Enough said....that is really all I need :)

    Happy Thanksgiving (see you Thursday)


  2. Kyle what a lovely post! I agree Maddie, I am thankful for family & friends too!!! You kids amaze me with your posts -
