Monday, April 14, 2014


Hey all my blog readers of Kyle's Free Space what's up????. Today I am going to be bloging about how nice it has been getting. After I finish my school work I am going to be going outside. I am going to ride my bike and play a little hockey. I have been working on making a wooden hammer like on my favorite survival movie Alone In The Wilderness. It's very hard when you're using the back of a hammer for a little pick axe or a little handsaw about 10inches to cut through thick wood.  So far I have the handle now I have to find the right size piece for the top the hammer part. I was thinking of making a plate or a bowl or even a spoon.  I think a plate would be easy because all I need to do is cut a straight piece of wood.
My newest project in my mind
So, last night I was on YouTube looking at how to make a silencer for my air soft pistol. There was videos saying you can use PVC pipe or a actual metal pipe which is not a bad idea. I decided I will go with the PVC pipe, so I am going to earn a few dollars and buy the PVC pipe at my local hardware store. I don't know the size I need to attach to the gun. I am going to ask my Dad when he gets home because he usually knows what to do and how to make it. When I buy it the PVC pipe it  will be white. I am going to buy black electrical tape or use a little of my Dads and wrap it around the PVC pipe to make it look nice. I plan to make it black because real silencers are black ;D.
I should be done with this project by the end of the week, although it all depends if I earn the money or not.

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