Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Merry Christmas And Happy New Year

Hey all my blog readers of Kyle's Free Space what's up???. So yes merry Christmas I am 1 month late but I was busy just like everyone else is. I am going to first off say I had a good Christmas hopefully everyone else did. My family had a good time it was funny because we had a thunderstorm and flood warning on Christmas because were I live it do not snow well it does but it is rarely. It was a fun Christmas I am not going to brag about everything I got I will write someone my favorite things I got.  I will write it in a list below when i'm done.

1. Xbox one with some games my brother also bought one
2. Metal Detector from my brother
3. Watch box to put my watches in
4. Mini flying drone
5. Welding helmet from my dad

I also got other things but I am not going to write them because I don't remember everything. I was very happy because my mom had these games we had on Christmas. We had were able to
 win prizes I forgot everything but I remember I got a xbox live card and my brother got a Walmart gift card. It was fun because my brother sleeped over on Christmas eve then left after dinner the next day. I was excited for the Christmas dinner because I love ham it is one of my favorite meats. That holiday has one of my favorite meals of all time. We also had a good New Years I stayed up and watched the ball drop on tv.

We had my brother come over for dinner then he left and went back to his house. So that was fun I remember listing to my police scanner and I heard the cops say happy new year to the other units. That was nice because I never heard them say anything like that before I thought they would just say nothing and continue with there work. But I did not hear anything to interesting on the scanner that night. I thought things would have been crazy. Actually last night I heard someone get Tarazed on the radio because the officer said on the radio tazer deployed.

Alright this is going to be it for today. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am also going to write my new years resolution. There not really interesting they never are only one of them are serious. Some of them are funny though so here it goes.
1. Lose some weight and get back into shape.
2. Build a gaming pc.
3. Learn how to weld with my dad
4. Improve my photography skills.
5. Build a scanner console most people do not know what im talking about

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