Tuesday, December 11, 2012


 new born bunnies in there nest in the ground that is the hole I was talking about
 these might not look like bunnies but they are
Hi all my blog reader's of Kyle's free space whats up?....Today I read a article called MEET THE HIP-HOP GANG It is about Bunny's and rabbits. Bunny's like to hop and play and there most favorite is wrestling. The Bunny's can jump high and they live in many different places mostly in the forest or in the jungle. I see lots of bunnies in my back yard but in the woods. The mother will dig a hole in the ground to give birth to the baby's it is a small hole she sits on top and lets the baby's come out. The baby's don't have a lot of fur when they come out I will try to find a pic of them. Bunnies fight a lot for fun it is a fun way of saying what to be friends they just horse play when they fight. Or they will fight to protect there baby's from other predators. Bunnies make holes in the ground to hide or sleep they have nest's in the ground that is there home but they also have them in dark spots and places were they will not be found. The bunnies are heavy sleepers they could sleep up to almost 3 months and also for hibernation they can sleep way longer. Well this is it for today bye.

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