Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I'm Taking Ham Radio Classes

Hey all my blog readers of Kyle's Free Space whats up???. So about a month ago my mom helped me find a local ham radio class. I am studying to get my first license in amateur radio that is called the technician license then I test for General and Amateur Extra. The reason why they said it is a license its because this test is the license is by the government. I have to go do 4 classes and 2 tests. The reason why I'm doing 2 tests because I'm getting 2 licenses. The more I get more bandwidth I go to the classes they help people pass and give them guidance. I have 3 classed remaining I test the 2nd week of April.

Oh I forgot to say If you don't know what ham radio is you should go online and look I don't really want to explain it all. But after I pass I will be transmitting after the FCC uploads my callsign. But first I have to pass. Then I will be picking out my radio I do have a handheld transiever but I cannot transmit on it till I am licensed I honestly cannot wait till I pass the test. K so enough about that your possibly very tired of that .

So about a month or so ago I ordered this thing for my flight simulator on my computer called a flight yoke it almost looks like a driving wheel. But it is shaped like a U its pretty cool I fly Cessna 172 SkyHawks with is It was worth it I'm not going to say what I payed that's private but the brand is called Ch Products Flight Sim Yoke. It is awesome their is other brands I personally cant not buy it because it is 200 dollars this one is 125 but not what i Payed for it.

Ok this is going to be it so have a good one everyone. Happy tuesday I will let everyone know when i pass my ham test I will blog about things just not about ham radio.

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