Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My favriote season

Hello all my blog readers of Kyle's free space what is up?. Today I read two pages about seasons and my favorite season is winter because I get to play in the snow I get to go sledding and I build snowmen and snow tunnels. I really like snow it is very fun to play it sometimes I play football in the snow it is very fun and I also like winter because that is around christmas and christmas is my favriote holiday. Snow can be very cold but is very very fun to play in Winter is a good holiday to have I like playing in the snow and then when it is cold I got in and drink hot coko. When we have someone plows our drive way my mom asked the guy to puch all the snow into a big pile so I can sled down it this year I am going to try to ride my bike in the snow that is going to be very hard though. if my readers are reading this tell me what your favriot season and why I am going to post a pic of winter and things well this is it for to day bye.


  1. OMG I LOVE WINTER TOO! When we get a thick layer of snow later this year, we should go sledding together :DDDD!
